So many people have contributed to where I am now and what I do. I am incredibly grateful that I got these people on my path. May work with them, learn from them and / or receive from them. It is impossible to name everyone and find the words how much their contribution is worth to me and what that means to me. Thank you to everyone I don't mention here or don't want to be mentioned here!
I would like to thank family and friends for all their support and trust in me, when I decided to let go of work and certainties and I wanted to choose more, more of me and more of life.
I would like to thank Gerard K. for all hours of sparring about science, technology and spirituality, for questioning and being there on my quest. Max and Gidy for seeing my skills long before I saw it myself. Inge Middeldorp for her enthusiasm and help and time. But also for all the brilliant ideas, thank you Inge! Ismay Kieskamp for her tip and sharing her knowledge, because of you, building a website yourself became so much more accessible to me.
Lars van Hemmen who with his incredible talent got the job done to capture so much of me and to process it in a logo. I cannot say how happy I am with that, visible and invisible everything is interwoven. Thank you for your time, energy and willingness to look differently.
Renske Pepping and her talent and knowledge about writing texts and multimedia. Thank you for your contribution to my website and making what I do visible. I couldn't have done it so proudly without you. Mirjam without you I would never have been able to let go of the children with such a good feeling at home and had the time to do this. Ine van de Heuvel who offered me an opportunity that I could not have imagined before. Thank you for trusting us and sharing your wonderful practice. Martijn vd P. for who you are. In some things the opposite of me and therefore such a contribution. But also for sharing your time and knowledge. The Access Consciousness ™ Facilitators for all that you have chosen and entered into, making you such an invitation to me to be more of me and to do more of me. Mark Verschuren, for all the times you were there for me and your practical help for my website and so many other things. And finally Rogier for all your patience, listening for hours, but especially the one who always supports me to find and bring out the best in myself. Thank you for your confidence and for you.