Creative Accountability Logo
If you look closely you will see twisted letters. You don't immediately read Linda, yet you can find the letters hidden in the labyrinth.
And once you know it, you will never forget it. Your insights have changed. You have become aware of it. When we become aware we start to see things differently.
The labyrinth is a path, a path of life, a path of wisdom. Use for self-discovery and self-development. It is a symbol of unity.
The labyrinths of Glastonbury and Chartres were used as a starting point. All sizes and proportions are based on the Gulde Snede.
The original end point, the flower, is deliberately not in the center. That is to remind us that not the end point but the road itself is the destination. The rose has been changed by the flower of the Linde as a reference to the origin of her name and the healing power of herbs that Linda works with. This is further enhanced by the image of the Linde in the plane (and the photos on the site). The special growth method and the 5 petals of the Linde symbolically correspond to the unique method that Linda applies. Her interest, knowledge, background and outlook on life come together. The color green of the logo, which consists of 5 different colors, is also connected to this.
The two transparent planes represent change and the duality that we ourselves create with our thinking. Actually you only see one plane. There is no duality, it is our judgment of what we see.
Lars van Hemmen 2016