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Filmpje: Symphony of Posibilities Sessies met Linda Verschuren

Symphony Of Possibilities Sessions

A Sympho ny Of Possibilities (SOP) session is a session like no other ...

It is difficult to find the right words to describe what happens, what it is like and what creates it ...

That's also why even the title may not be completely clear. Sometimes things just cannot be captured in words ...

Think of a special experience, an impressive painting or an inspiring piece of music.

I can say that these are my favorite sessions to give and receive. That SOP sessions have changed my life.

And people all over the world are very enthusiastic about this technique developed by Dr. Dain Heer.

Where the body is touched during a Body process and that touch is the invitation to activate a process and the self-healing capacity in the body, an SOP session works on the energetic body.

Limitations and hindrances are invited in you, the total authentic being, to make more space and to let go.

This is supported by short soft touches so that it can work even faster in the body. The body is thus involved in the process.

It creates a sense of connection with everything, unity, tranquility, space.

The process is an invitation to discover, become aware and Be all about you.

If you chose that, what more could be possible ?!

A session lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Your contribution is: 130 euros

Foto's van Linda's Symphony of Possibilites Special Sessie op het strand 2020

Access Consciousness Symphony of possibilities aan zee met linda verschuren cf
Access Consciousness Symphony of Possibilities sessie session linda verschuren certified facilitator at the beach
Symphony of Possibilities foto afbeelding linda verschuren op het strand | 0650254037| Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Nederland | © copyright Website, afbeeldingen en Teksten 2024 Linda Verschuren


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