Corona: maatregelen voor praktijk en cursussen
The corona virus also affects Empowering You, Empowering People and Empowering Business. Below you can read which measures I have taken. These will change as needed when the situation changes.
Empowering People follows the instructions of the professional association, CAT RBCS, RIVM and the national government.
Last update in response to measures 14 December 2020
> All live sessions and consultations are canceled. I will call everyone as soon as possible to see which option best suits each situation. Where necessary and possible, appointments are held by telephone or online. Other agreements will be postponed until when we can meet again. As it looks now, it will be after 19 January, but I will follow the central government and any changes.
> Where necessary, I will continue the request for help and care as much as possible. Where appointments or treatments are not immediately necessary, it can be discussed to postpone this.
> I now offer extra time and options to hold the appointment online, via video call, where possible.
> All live courses are canceled immediately.
> All registered participants are approached.
> Everyone is given the opportunity to move the course or to have the money refunded without giving a reason.
If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me.
Below you will find the link to my Blog 'Corona; 5 Tips and Tools to Empower Your Body & Mind '